Welcome to the web page devoted to the historic
costume reconstruction. The main purpose of this page is to represent
my artistic achievements in this domain as well as the results of my
long-lasting independent research which extended the studies at Szkola
Artystycznego Projektowania Ubioru (School of Artistic Fashion Design)
under the guidance of Prof. Piasecka - Tarabuła and Prof. Finkstein.
The crowning achievement of those studies was my diploma collection
"The Tudor Roses - English Renaissance Costume under the Spanish
The costumes were used by the members of knight
guild movements, dancers, musicians and amateurs of culture history.
Several exhibitions of my works gained a high
recognition of the museologists and the culture animators as well as
large interest of the public. They were organized in, among the others,
the Pieskowa Skala Castle (department of Państwowe Zbiory Sztuki na
Wawelu - Museum of Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow), the Niepolomice Castle
(during I Festival of Ancient Music and Culture), C.K.Norwid Culture
Center in Cracow and in many others.
The "Tudor Roses" were also exhibited on professional fashion
shows during the elite events.
I would like to greatfully acknowledge my sister
Magdalena Sepial for all those years of persistent cooperation, she
had her both hands in each exhibition and presentation. I would
like also to present my special thanks to Monika Sokół my the most patient
and the most persistent model and hostess :) as well as to the main
director of Pafsonix Entertainement System® for his help in the
preparations of multimedia setting.
Sepiał - Rychlik
by: Justyna Sepiał - Rychlik, Wojciech Satora, Jacek Sepiał.